Quick Movie Recap

In This World, As Soon As You Turn 18, You Get a Random Superpower

DUNE: PART 1 Movie Recap | Must Watch Before DUNE PART 2 | Film Explained

Girl Ends Up Trapped in a Building For 5 Years as The Entire Earth Gets Flooded

Dune in Minutes | Recap

This City Is 200 Years Into The Future But Only 250+ IQ People Can Enter it

Couple Trapped in a Bunker Must Wait 35 Years For The Door To Unlock Automatically

Humans Sent a Woman to an Alien Planet, But They Returned Her Within a Minute

In This World, Colors Are Banned And Using Them Will Get You in Jail

Speak No Evil Review | Quick 2 Cents

Man Crashes on Unknown Planet, Only to Find it Inhabited by a Humanoid Race

Tired of The Ultra Rich, a Restaurant Chef Decides to Cook the Guests

Family Ends Up Trapped in a Time Loop For 35 Years Driving on an Endless Road

Pandemic Causes Anyone He Makes Eye Contact With to Try to Kill Him

In This World, Time Moves Backwards

Virtual Prison Where 1 Year is Equal to 1 Minute of Lifetime

Mysterious Parasite Outbreak Wipes Out Most of Humanity by Turning Them Into Zombies

200 IQ Girl Outsmarts 24/7 Surveillance in a Futuristic City to Avenge Her Father

Humans Forced to Create Supersoldiers After Being Invaded by an Alien Alliance

Avatar: First Movie RECAP

TOP GUN Movie Recap | Must Watch Before TOP GUN MAVERICK | 1986 Film Explained


In This World All People Get an Immortal ideal Body in Exchange for Eternal Slavery to the Governmen

American Legendary Sniper Becomes a Nightmare for Terrorists_American Sniper Movie Recap

August Rush (2007) Movie Quick Recap